Monday, March 1, 2021

Write an X86/64 ALP to accept a string and to display its length.

 ;String length in Assembly Lanuguage

;macros begin

%macro write 2    ;will be used to write on the screen

mov rax,01h

mov rdi,0h

mov rsi,%1

mov rdx,%2



%macro read 2    ;will be used to read from the screen

mov rax,0h

mov rdi,1h

mov rsi,%1

mov rdx,%2



;macros end

section .data

msg2: db "Enter the string ",10

len2: equ $-msg2

msg3 : db "The length of the string is "

len3: equ $-msg3

section .bss

orgstr resb 50  ;original string

wordlen resb 1  ;length of the string

ascii resb 2  ;len in ascii

count resb 1

section .text

global _start:


write msg2,len2   ;display message

length:   ;the length option

mov al,0  ;initialize al with zero

read orgstr,50

mov byte[wordlen],al

dec byte[wordlen] ;now len has the length of the string without the null character

mov esi,wordlen

mov edi,ascii

mov byte[count],2

mov al,byte[esi]


rol al,04

mov bl,al

and bl,0Fh

cmp bl,09h

jbe nocorrection

add bl,7h


add bl,30h

mov byte[edi],bl

inc edi

dec byte[count]

jnz loop

write ascii,2

exit:   ;to exit from the program

mov rax,60

mov rdx,0h


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