section .data
msg1 db "the source block is:",0ah,0dh
len1: equ $-msg1
msg2 db "the destination block is:",0ah,0dh
len2: equ $-msg2
arr1 db "se computer",0ah
len: equ $-arr1
section .bss
arr2: resb len
%macro disp 2
mov rax,01
mov rdi,01
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
section .text
global _start
mov rsi,arr1
mov rdi,arr2
mov rcx,len
xor al,al ;without using movsb
up: ; copy the string character by character to the destination
mov al,[rsi]
mov [rdi],al
inc rsi
inc rdi
dec rcx
jnz up
;rep movsb ;comment need to be removed for movsb
; copy entire string at a time to destination
disp msg1,len1
disp arr1,len
disp msg2,len2
disp arr2,len
mov rax,3ch
mov rdi,00
msg1 db "the source block is:",0ah,0dh
len1: equ $-msg1
msg2 db "the destination block is:",0ah,0dh
len2: equ $-msg2
arr1 db "se computer",0ah
len: equ $-arr1
section .bss
arr2: resb len
%macro disp 2
mov rax,01
mov rdi,01
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
section .text
global _start
mov rsi,arr1
mov rdi,arr2
mov rcx,len
xor al,al ;without using movsb
up: ; copy the string character by character to the destination
mov al,[rsi]
mov [rdi],al
inc rsi
inc rdi
dec rcx
jnz up
;rep movsb ;comment need to be removed for movsb
; copy entire string at a time to destination
disp msg1,len1
disp arr1,len
disp msg2,len2
disp arr2,len
mov rax,3ch
mov rdi,00
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